The Takeda Award Message from Chairman Awardees Achievement Fact Awards Ceremony Forum 2001


Social/Economic Well-Being
Isamu Akasaki
Hiroshi Amano
Shuji Nakamura

Individual/Humanity Well-Being
Stephen P. A. Fodor
Patrick O. Brown

World Environmental Well-Being
Charles Elachi
Nobuyoshi Fugono
Ken'ichi Okamoto

Dr Takeda, Ladies and Gentlemen. I am very honoured to receive this award and I want to thank the selection committee, the Takeda Foundation and Dr Takeda for selecting me for this honour. I want to say that this activity is usually the effort of a team, not the effort of an individul - and I want to thank all my colleagues, both in the United States, internationally and here in Japan, who worked with me - to thank them very much and they are equally deserving of this award. I want to thank my family - my daughters Joanne and Lauren and, most importantly, my wife Valerie - for their support in my career over the last 30 years. I am particularly pleased that one of the other recipients is Dr Fugono. Dr Fugono and Mrs Fugono were our hosts for Valerie and I on our first trip to Japan 20 years ago, and since that time I have always admired his work so I am particularly pleased that I am sharing this award with him. Also I am very pleased to be here in Tokyo, and in Japan, receiving this award, because Japanese researchers and the space community and the Japanese Space Agency have been playing a major role in the development of space-borne radar for earth observation. As a matter of fact in three weeks I have to come back to Tokyo for the launch of the ADEOS-II which will be carrying a scatterometer to observe the earth's surface, particularly the ocean surface and the wind over the ocean surface. So through that effort both in Japan, and in other countries, I am pleased to see that some of the effort that I have done in my early career now will be used for monitoring our environment and for all of us to be better stewards of our planet. So again I want to thank Dr Takeda and the Takeda Foundation. D?mo arigat? gozaimasu.

Awards Ceremony


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