The Takeda Award Message from Chairman Awardees Achievement Fact Awards Ceremony Forum 2001

Achievement Fact
Social/Economic Well-Being

Executive Summary
Achievement and Creativity
1. The importance of computer in the information society and the role of operating systems
2. TRON project
3. GNU project
4. Linux project
5. Impacts
6. Conclusion
Table 1
Figure 1
Figure 2

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Achievement Fact

| Social/Economic Well-Being | Individual/Humanity Well-Being | World Environmental Well-Being |
Achievement Fact
Techno-Entrepreneurial Achievements for Social/Economic Well-Being
Technical Achievement:The origination and the advancement of open development models for system software - open architecture, free software and open source software
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The prize is awarded jointly to Ken Sakamura (University of Tokyo), Richard M. Stallman (Free Software Foundation) and Linus Torvalds (Transmeta Corporation).
Ken Sakamura Ken Sakamura is honored for developing and promoting the TRON open architecture, a real-time operating system specification for embedded systems.

Stallmam, Richard M. Richard M. Stallman is honored for starting the free software movement and leading the development of the GNU operating system.

Torvalds, Linus Linus Torvalds is honored for developing the Linux operating system kernel by the open source process for software development.

(Awardees are listed in alphabetical order.)

Last modified 2002.4.5 Copyright(c)2002 The Takeda Foundation. The Official Web Site of The Takeda Foundation.