The Takeda Award Message from Chairman Awardees Achievement Fact Awards Ceremony Forum 2001

Achievement Fact
Social/Economic Well-Being

Executive Summary
Achievement and Creativity
1. The importance of computer in the information society and the role of operating systems
2. TRON project
3. GNU project
4. Linux project
5. Impacts
6. Conclusion
Table 1
Figure 1
Figure 2

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Achievement Fact

| Social/Economic Well-Being | Individual/Humanity Well-Being | World Environmental Well-Being |
Achievement and Creativity
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6. Conclusion

     As explained above, these projects, TRON, GNU and Linux, introduced new methods, the free/open development styles and the free/open utilization schemes, to develop the computer system software that is the key component of the information society. Sakamura, Stallman and Torvalds are the leaders in these projects. These projects widely gathered the knowledge and wisdom of many people and led to the development of new computer applications with the high-grade programs. Furthermore, these projects showed that the new development models were powerful. They have influenced the computer software market to change from conventional development and distribution processes. Engineering intellect and knowledge emerging from this different scheme from the usual market economy approach is stimulating techno-entrepreneurship in markets and is providing major value to people.
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