Technical Achievement: The development and promotion of the Ecological Rucksacks and Material Input Per unit Service (MIPS) concepts, as measures of the ecological stress of products and services

The prize is awarded jointly to Friedrich Schmidt-Bleek (Factor 10 Institute) and Ernst Ulrich von Weizsaecker (Founding President of Wuppertal Institute)

Friedrich Schmidt-Bleekis honored for developing and promoting the Ecological Rucksacks and Material Input Per unit Service (MIPS) concepts.

Ernst Ulrich von Weizsaeckeris honored for his contribution in refining and promoting the Ecological Rucksacks and Material Input Per unit Service (MIPS) concepts.
(Awardees are listed in alphabetical order.)


Executive Summary
Achievement and Creativity
1. Introduction
2. The technological measures for environmental stresses
3. Ecological Rucksacks and MIPS
4. Toward building a new economical model for ecological management
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
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