Technical Achievement: The development of a large-scale genome sequencing system by establishing "the whole genome shotgun strategy" that utilizes modularized data acquisition system and high-throughput DNA sequencers

The prize is awarded jointly to Michael W. Hunkapiller (Applied Biosystems) and J.Craig Venter (Celera Genomics).

Michael W. Hunkapiller is honored for his contribution to the development of the automated high-throughput DNA sequencers and the promotion of the foundation of Celera Genomics.

J.Craig Venter is honored for the foundation of Celera Genomics and the development of "the whole genome shotgun strategy."

(Awardees are listed in alphabetical order.)


Executive Summary
Achievement and Creativity
1. Development of high-throughput DNA sequencers
2. The shotgun strategies
3. Repercussion effects
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
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