2002 Proceedings of The Takeda Foundation 2001 Proceedings of The Takeda Foundation
From the "Introduction" page: Hoping sincerely that this document
will become an ongoing record of "Techno-Entrepreneurship" and "Engineering Intellect
and Knowledge," we are producing this publication as the Proceedings of the Takeda
Foundation 2001. This is the first commemorative volume for the new Foundation
founded in April 2001. This publication summarizes the objectives and goals of
the Foundation, and records its activities, in order to indicate what the Foundation
has accomplished thus far and where we hope to go in the future. The Foundation
hopes to convey messages on the significance of "Techno-Entrepreneurship" and
"Engineering Intellect and Knowledge" to the world. Our messages are communicated
through our award activities - "The Takeda Award," "The Takeda Techno-Entrepreneurship
Award" and the "The Takeda Fellowship & Scholarship Award." We will publish our
proceedings in one volume each year, and strive to record the achievements of
the era ahead. December 2001