The Takeda Foundation


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Chapter 1. Development of Liquid Crystal Displays
Chapter 2. Development of Silicon on Insulators
Chapter 3. Development of DNA Chips
Chapter 4. Research on Linux Innovation

Chapter 2. Development of Silicon on Insulators

Naoaki Aizaki (Program Officer)


Thin film silicon on insulator (SOI) substrates have ideal structures to improve the performance of silicon ICs, such as higher voltage, higher speed and lower electric power consumption.

Silicon on sapphire (SOS) substrates and bonded substrates were developed to construct the SOI structure, but their total cost performance, crystal quality, and SOI film thickness are not sufficient. They are used only in limited fields.

Since there is a common anticipation that improvements in the performance of silicom IC by miniaturization are reaching a ceiling, the expectations for SOI substractes have been steadily increasing.

In this report, three main SOI technologies, SIMOX, SmartCut and ELTRAN are reviewed. The history of development, the practical application status, and factors for developmental success are summarized for each technology.

High-end microprocessors and low-power watch LSIs have already been commercialized. In the future, thin film SOI substrates will be adopted first in fields where higher spreed or lower power consumption is urgently important, and wider fields of application will follow.

Structure and merits of SOI substrate