The Takeda Techno-Entrepreneurship Award is presented to research proposals that show the greatest promise of contribution to human well-being, through the creation and application of new engineering intellect and knowledge. The practical application or commercialization of this engineering knowledge (i.e., techno-entrepreneurship), which will generate substantial value for people in the near term, is the mission of the Takeda Foundation. Included within the scope of the Takeda Techno-Entrepreneurship Award are research projects that are already in development, as well as research proposals for future projects. Three application fields are covered by the awards: Information and Electronics, Life Sciences, and World Environment.
The Takeda Foundation hopes that the Takeda Techno-Entrepreneurship Award will serve as a forum for collaboration among researchers, and between researchers and parties with funding or other support available, leading to the realization of research proposals.
Based on these principles, the Takeda Techno-Entrepreneurship Award has initiated a unique selection process. Applicants take part in competitive ‘Cyber Workshops’ held on the Internet. Online discussions during the workshops are considered to be part of the selection process.
Three session subjects are selected each year (in each application field) for the award. A period of time is allocated for the proposal of subjects in order for the Takeda Foundation to decide which themes are most important each year. Once the session subjects are determined, there is a call for research proposals related to these three subjects.
In principle, one award winner and four finalist commendations are awarded per session. The award winner is presented a maximum of 7 million yen (approximately US$56,000) per year. The finalist is presented a maximum of 500thousand yen (approximately US$4,000) per year.
The award selection is carried out with strict attention to fairness, through the study of proposals in each session, discussion during the Cyber Workshops, andSelection Committee Interview. Award decisions are made by the Takeda Foundation's Selection Committee and require the approval of the Takeda Foundation's Board of Directors. |